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The Digdug Diaries: My Love Triangle

Dear Diary, I’m in love! And this isn’t some run-of-the-mill crush. I mean I am head over heels in love! But while ordinarily this would...

Digdug Diaries: Fly Like A Bird

Dear Diary, It has always been a regret of mine that I have never taken much pride in the schools that I have attended. After growing up...

The Best Rivalry in the (AFC) West

I’m a pretty young guy, however some days my body feels closer to 82 than the 28 years old that it actually is. Because of this, my...

WRs and Breakout Age: An In-Depth Look

You can find limitless analysis on NFL Network, ESPN, Twitter, etc. But, I wanted more. I wanted to create my own opinions about...

QBs and the QBR: An In-Depth Look

Given my love of football and the fact that football isn't year-round, I wanted more. The NFL Draft is a great stepping stone to get...

The Decline of the 1st Round RB

This league is an ever-changing one. Football is a sport that continually evolves as the years go by. Due to innovation, rule changes,...

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