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Digdug Diaries: Fly Like A Bird

Dear Diary,

It has always been a regret of mine that I have never taken much pride in the schools that I have attended. After growing up a devoted fan of the Kansas State Wildcats, naturally they were one of my top college choices. Things worked out differently than expected, as they often do, and I would find myself at the small private school of Tabor College. I made good friends and had some good experiences, but never showed much school spirit. This is especially true when it came to athletics. Though I’m a diehard football fan, I’m not sure I even watched an entire Tabot football game in my time there. In fact, on most weekends in the fall you were probably more likely to find me in Bill Snyder Family Stadium cheering on the Wildcats than in Hillsboro, KS. My heart would always remain in Manhattan, at least when it came to cheering for college sports. My closet has always contained more Wildcat purple than the Bluejay colors of yellow and blue. And nothing about this has really changed now that I’ve graduated.

But this past weekend, I noticed a random post as I was scrolling through my social media. It was homecoming weekend at Tabor. On a whim, I decided to look to see who they were playing and was shocked to see the game would actually be televised on ESPN3. Not only that, but they were playing Sterling College which just happened to be my brother’s alma mater. My brother and I have always loved to compete with each other, so the sibling rivalry instantly filled me with more school spirit than I had previously experienced.

As I found the game on the tv, I picked up my phone and texted my brother. A little trash talk ensued as the game kicked off. I won’t lie and say I was glued to my television that afternoon. It turned out not to be much of a game as Tabor put a whooping on the Sterling Warriors, and I had other chores I needed to get done. But every once in a while I would pop in the living room to check the score before reminding my brother he made in inferior choice in what school to attend. And so, for a few hours at least, I could proudly identify with my alma mater. It was a feeling I have long craved, diary. So now I can say with a little more pride in my heart...Go Blue Jays!!!

Yours Truly: Jordan "Digdug" Schrag



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